Distinguished Toastmaster
Madoff did not destroy thousands.
FINRA/NASD destroyed hundreds of thousands hiding broker/dealer/brokerage & even Investor Crimes against clients WITH the aid of the lawyers who created "SECURITIES" DRS and forced arbitration away from the eyes of Law Enforcement.
Madoff told the truth, when Madoff said "They Knew."
FINRA/NASD knew of Madoff's crimes in 1963. I found the documents. They are in my website www.centerforcopyrightintegrity.com Search MADOFF.
As stated at the ALEPH Institute ASK Forum, I said, time and again, FINRA/NASD are liable for injustice to criminals.
"Think ERIC GARNER "I cant breathe". Think Wolf of Wall Street, Madoff. The cops knew where Eric was from the first time Garner was arrested. Garner was fingerprinted, mug shot taken, booked in to jail becoming a felon, coming out forced to check the Box, becoming recidivous going back to what Garner knew to do, sell cigarettes. While WOLF was busted for something other than harming clients and Madoff? Turned himself in. FINRA said in 2009 'we had no idea' while in fact 8/2008 FINRA fined Madoff $25,000, again, as they had in 2005 and other years THAT WE KNOW OF....."
FINRA/NASD requires Clients brought by lawyers in to the FINRA/NASD forum to (i) sign a confidentiality agreement (ii) agree to "expunge" the crime which makes the crime of that FINRA dues paying member of the 501(c)(6) business league, disappear. FINRA states on their downloadable member PDFS that FINRA reports crimes to cops ONLY if the person is convicted by law enforcement. How can that person be convicted by law enforcement if the crime is not reported, no fingerprints of the Wall Street criminal exist and if the crime history is not only not reported but expunged?
Mr. Garner, Freddie Gray were forced to plead "Guilty" or "Not Guilty." Countless others live under their crime, even a childhood crime, unable to get it expunged making it near impossible to get a new start.
Long before the lawyer in Spain launched his Right To Be Forgotten Online agenda, FINRA/NASD was 'forgetting' crimes by FINRA/NASD dues paying members funneling investor claims in to a duckblind forum, a financial Vegas of what 'takes place in FINRA DRS, stays in FINRA DRS' contrary to courts where publicly filed papers are now being scooped up share online violating citizens Rights of Privacy and Rights of Publicity. Dig deep enough one will discover documents confirming FINRA/NASD dues paying members do not self-report all their crimes, as the U4/CRD FINRA operates 'requires' them to do. One will discover that FINRA/NASD dues paying members client claims are not reported, even expunged, as is confirmed in documents, in a recent case.
FINRA/NASD dues paying members are not baitclick, their mugshots being taken from court records then used, for free, by entrepreneurial persons ignoring that a convicted felon still has rights to not be exploited for online sponsored faux ads. While, the hundreds of thousands of FINRA/NASD dues paying members pics are not available to the mongering baitclick perpetrators, an absolute injustice to criminals.
Did I neglect to mention the FINRA/NASD criminals unless by chance the US Attorneys are brought in, do not lose their rights to vote, while mothers and fathers who have repaid their debt to society do NOT regain their rights to vote having been branded a felon.
Wolf, Madoff and the hundreds of thousands of criminals that FINRA/NASD board members and FINRA/NASD arbitrators were accessories to crimes of for failure to report to police, these people- the Wolfs, the Madoffs- they plead 'without admitting or denying.'
As to who the criminals are? The FINRA/NASD dues paying members who get 'fined' or 'disciplined' for crimes of conversion, fraud, kiting, identity theft, for starters.
Accessories to these crimes are the attorneys that knowingly take investment clients in to the FINRA/NASD forum (i) without advising clients they or their member organization know this forum is ONLY for Brokers, Brokerages and class action suits by investment clients and NOT for claims against Investment Advisors and by Investment Clients.
FINRA GC Terri Reicher confirms in her email that FINRA has two sets of standards, for people, for FINRA Dues paying members, writing, a '30 day valid period' to contest an award is only for the FINRA members that FINRA can take away the dues paying member license, that the investment client misled in to the FINRA/NASD forum has nothing that FINRA/NASD can take away.
Moreso, dues paying member confirms in granite that FINRA/NASD has never been a neutral forum, a core foundation of Dispute Resolution.
Moreso, FINRA/NASD and the volunteering contributing PIABA lawyers to crafting the FINRA/NASD codes of procedures fail to enforce that Brokers/Brokerages/Investment Advisor/Investment Brokerage claims are ONLY pursuable under the UCC, Uniform Commercial Code because licenses are granted on a state by state basis NOT federal.
That lawyers would participate in these crimes is of concern moreso considering the Oaths that lawyers and judges are sworn in under along with the state by state Rules and Codes of Procedures they are bound to. That checking and vetting to confirm a lawyer is even legally allowed to argue for pay in the nationwide, 70, plus, international forums, is mind boggling except when it comes to building a cottage industry under the radar of law enforcement. That said, none of these crimes are without fiduciary, even to the legislators who write laws but fail to read the law history crafted long before Wikipedia allowed fantasy to be distorted, misrepresented as fact.
Carrie Devorah
www.centerforcopyrightintegrity.com (search FINRA, search MADOFF)
The Investor behind Congressman Keith Ellison and Senator Al Franken's Bill HR 1098, The Investor Choice Act (yes, one person can make a difference)
FINRA/NASD destroyed hundreds of thousands hiding broker/dealer/brokerage & even Investor Crimes against clients WITH the aid of the lawyers who created "SECURITIES" DRS and forced arbitration away from the eyes of Law Enforcement.
Madoff told the truth, when Madoff said "They Knew."
FINRA/NASD knew of Madoff's crimes in 1963. I found the documents. They are in my website www.centerforcopyrightintegrity.com Search MADOFF.
As stated at the ALEPH Institute ASK Forum, I said, time and again, FINRA/NASD are liable for injustice to criminals.
"Think ERIC GARNER "I cant breathe". Think Wolf of Wall Street, Madoff. The cops knew where Eric was from the first time Garner was arrested. Garner was fingerprinted, mug shot taken, booked in to jail becoming a felon, coming out forced to check the Box, becoming recidivous going back to what Garner knew to do, sell cigarettes. While WOLF was busted for something other than harming clients and Madoff? Turned himself in. FINRA said in 2009 'we had no idea' while in fact 8/2008 FINRA fined Madoff $25,000, again, as they had in 2005 and other years THAT WE KNOW OF....."
FINRA/NASD requires Clients brought by lawyers in to the FINRA/NASD forum to (i) sign a confidentiality agreement (ii) agree to "expunge" the crime which makes the crime of that FINRA dues paying member of the 501(c)(6) business league, disappear. FINRA states on their downloadable member PDFS that FINRA reports crimes to cops ONLY if the person is convicted by law enforcement. How can that person be convicted by law enforcement if the crime is not reported, no fingerprints of the Wall Street criminal exist and if the crime history is not only not reported but expunged?
Mr. Garner, Freddie Gray were forced to plead "Guilty" or "Not Guilty." Countless others live under their crime, even a childhood crime, unable to get it expunged making it near impossible to get a new start.
Long before the lawyer in Spain launched his Right To Be Forgotten Online agenda, FINRA/NASD was 'forgetting' crimes by FINRA/NASD dues paying members funneling investor claims in to a duckblind forum, a financial Vegas of what 'takes place in FINRA DRS, stays in FINRA DRS' contrary to courts where publicly filed papers are now being scooped up share online violating citizens Rights of Privacy and Rights of Publicity. Dig deep enough one will discover documents confirming FINRA/NASD dues paying members do not self-report all their crimes, as the U4/CRD FINRA operates 'requires' them to do. One will discover that FINRA/NASD dues paying members client claims are not reported, even expunged, as is confirmed in documents, in a recent case.
FINRA/NASD dues paying members are not baitclick, their mugshots being taken from court records then used, for free, by entrepreneurial persons ignoring that a convicted felon still has rights to not be exploited for online sponsored faux ads. While, the hundreds of thousands of FINRA/NASD dues paying members pics are not available to the mongering baitclick perpetrators, an absolute injustice to criminals.
Did I neglect to mention the FINRA/NASD criminals unless by chance the US Attorneys are brought in, do not lose their rights to vote, while mothers and fathers who have repaid their debt to society do NOT regain their rights to vote having been branded a felon.
Wolf, Madoff and the hundreds of thousands of criminals that FINRA/NASD board members and FINRA/NASD arbitrators were accessories to crimes of for failure to report to police, these people- the Wolfs, the Madoffs- they plead 'without admitting or denying.'
As to who the criminals are? The FINRA/NASD dues paying members who get 'fined' or 'disciplined' for crimes of conversion, fraud, kiting, identity theft, for starters.
Accessories to these crimes are the attorneys that knowingly take investment clients in to the FINRA/NASD forum (i) without advising clients they or their member organization know this forum is ONLY for Brokers, Brokerages and class action suits by investment clients and NOT for claims against Investment Advisors and by Investment Clients.
FINRA GC Terri Reicher confirms in her email that FINRA has two sets of standards, for people, for FINRA Dues paying members, writing, a '30 day valid period' to contest an award is only for the FINRA members that FINRA can take away the dues paying member license, that the investment client misled in to the FINRA/NASD forum has nothing that FINRA/NASD can take away.
Moreso, dues paying member confirms in granite that FINRA/NASD has never been a neutral forum, a core foundation of Dispute Resolution.
Moreso, FINRA/NASD and the volunteering contributing PIABA lawyers to crafting the FINRA/NASD codes of procedures fail to enforce that Brokers/Brokerages/Investment Advisor/Investment Brokerage claims are ONLY pursuable under the UCC, Uniform Commercial Code because licenses are granted on a state by state basis NOT federal.
That lawyers would participate in these crimes is of concern moreso considering the Oaths that lawyers and judges are sworn in under along with the state by state Rules and Codes of Procedures they are bound to. That checking and vetting to confirm a lawyer is even legally allowed to argue for pay in the nationwide, 70, plus, international forums, is mind boggling except when it comes to building a cottage industry under the radar of law enforcement. That said, none of these crimes are without fiduciary, even to the legislators who write laws but fail to read the law history crafted long before Wikipedia allowed fantasy to be distorted, misrepresented as fact.
Carrie Devorah
www.centerforcopyrightintegrity.com (search FINRA, search MADOFF)
The Investor behind Congressman Keith Ellison and Senator Al Franken's Bill HR 1098, The Investor Choice Act (yes, one person can make a difference)