Distinguished Toastmaster
Governor Hogan has two standards when it comes to who votes in Maryland. Those standards are separate and discriminate. Hogan lets Wall Street criminals vote. Hogan denies Main Street votes, after serving time is done- decades, even, away from their family.
Hogan avoids taking the lead on the issue of when one paid their dues versus the Rockville SRO that takes payments to cover up members crimes.
Yes, we are talking FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, 100% owned by the New NASD Holding Company. Maryland. Hogan. Fiduciary.
Governor Hogan owes it to Freddie Gray’s memory, to Baltimore and to every other street and corner in America harmed by FINRA dues paying members, to shut down FINRA for facilitating decades of harm to Main Street by letting Madoff and thousands of criminals like Madoffs…. Vote.
Financial Consultants are not African American males like Freddie Gray, for the most part. They are more like the financial consultants the SEC votes to publicly pursue. Yes, vote.
There is no diversity in this Justice. Police chiefs will chase down a gunman in to NE DC yet, as DC Chief Lanier has, ignore warning the public against the caucasian Investment advisor charged by the SEC with an anticipated over 1000+ victims, the SEC did not notify of the legal proceedings. Most financial consultants stealing from clients are not jailed, ever. Their criminal actions- robbing, conversion, ID theft are covered up under “Disciplinary” . Fines are paid. The Financial consultant is barred for a short time before being let back out to in to client cash, again.
Governor Larry Hogan is complicit. Hogan is the ultimate fiduciary being the governor of Maryland where FINRA is headquartered. FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, is a private business league that misleads, even governors, on what FINRA is and isn’t. FINRA is not government, not protected by FOIA. FINRA is a 501 (c)(6) that collects dues from FINRAs members- brokers and brokerages, not investment clients or investment advisors. In fact, FINRA has no legal authority to engage with investment clients and investment advisors yet it does so every day, even giving authority to foreign state lawyers to argue, unlicensed under the FINRA umbrella, in over 70+ arbitration and mediation centers across America. FINRA brokers and brokerages are licensed, state to state- S7, S63 etc are state oversight, not Federal.
Governor Hogan said he wont give criminals the vote yet Hogan does. These criminals are jailed, are not known to local police, not required to sign in to local PD as a Sexual Predator is required to sign in. The Criminals may be listed each month in FINRAs disciplinary reports if the complaint was not settled or was not expunged, permanently deleted.
Critics of Governor Hogan say Hogan vetoed “what amounted to the better part of an entire criminal justice reform agenda, nixing bills that would have removed penalties for possessing marijuana paraphernalia, scaled back asset forfeiture and allowed felons to register to vote.”
The author was wrong stating “The bills are all relatively modest steps against some of the most racially-biased laws our country has on the books with respect to law enforcement and voting rights.” FINRA is racially biased shielding its members crimes from cops.
Freddie Gray died because cops knew where to find Freddie. Freddie was part of the system. Mug shots taken. Jailed. Felon. Forced to check the box. Recidivous. Again, fingerprinted, mug shot, etc. This was Eric Garner’s story. This was the story of the first 46 men and women whose sentences President Obama commuted 11/15, and the next 100 men and women commutants, too.
FINRA did not report Bernard Madoff to cops. Madoff turned himself in. FINRA said the business league had no idea of Madoff’s crimes. Madoff told the truth. FINRA did. FINRA first sanctioned Madoff recidivous in his crime of selling No Product in 1963, 1975, 2000, 2005, 2008. Those are the dates that of complaints that did not settle nor were expunged.
President Obama’s commutants were engaged in drug crimes. FINRA’s criminals forged client signatures, stole client identities, converted client funds to their own, stole checks, kept client accounts open after the client left the firm.
The FINRA writes their own set of Rules and Forms, created its own “Department Of Enforcement” voting to keep in the league members charged with money laundering and other frauds, global. The SEC states the Commission approves all the FINRA Rules and Forms the S.R.O. The Commission is Federal. The S.R.O. dues paying members are licensed on a state by state basis. Governor Hogan is fiduciary for Maryland
Criminal justice reform will take place when Governor Hogan shuts FINRA, 100% by the New NASD Holdings, down for being accessory to crimes. By taking no action against, FINRA, Hogan, on notice, again, is an accessory to FINRAs crimes…..shall we take a vote?
Hogan avoids taking the lead on the issue of when one paid their dues versus the Rockville SRO that takes payments to cover up members crimes.
Yes, we are talking FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, 100% owned by the New NASD Holding Company. Maryland. Hogan. Fiduciary.
Governor Hogan owes it to Freddie Gray’s memory, to Baltimore and to every other street and corner in America harmed by FINRA dues paying members, to shut down FINRA for facilitating decades of harm to Main Street by letting Madoff and thousands of criminals like Madoffs…. Vote.
Financial Consultants are not African American males like Freddie Gray, for the most part. They are more like the financial consultants the SEC votes to publicly pursue. Yes, vote.
There is no diversity in this Justice. Police chiefs will chase down a gunman in to NE DC yet, as DC Chief Lanier has, ignore warning the public against the caucasian Investment advisor charged by the SEC with an anticipated over 1000+ victims, the SEC did not notify of the legal proceedings. Most financial consultants stealing from clients are not jailed, ever. Their criminal actions- robbing, conversion, ID theft are covered up under “Disciplinary” . Fines are paid. The Financial consultant is barred for a short time before being let back out to in to client cash, again.
Governor Larry Hogan is complicit. Hogan is the ultimate fiduciary being the governor of Maryland where FINRA is headquartered. FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, is a private business league that misleads, even governors, on what FINRA is and isn’t. FINRA is not government, not protected by FOIA. FINRA is a 501 (c)(6) that collects dues from FINRAs members- brokers and brokerages, not investment clients or investment advisors. In fact, FINRA has no legal authority to engage with investment clients and investment advisors yet it does so every day, even giving authority to foreign state lawyers to argue, unlicensed under the FINRA umbrella, in over 70+ arbitration and mediation centers across America. FINRA brokers and brokerages are licensed, state to state- S7, S63 etc are state oversight, not Federal.
Governor Hogan said he wont give criminals the vote yet Hogan does. These criminals are jailed, are not known to local police, not required to sign in to local PD as a Sexual Predator is required to sign in. The Criminals may be listed each month in FINRAs disciplinary reports if the complaint was not settled or was not expunged, permanently deleted.
Critics of Governor Hogan say Hogan vetoed “what amounted to the better part of an entire criminal justice reform agenda, nixing bills that would have removed penalties for possessing marijuana paraphernalia, scaled back asset forfeiture and allowed felons to register to vote.”
The author was wrong stating “The bills are all relatively modest steps against some of the most racially-biased laws our country has on the books with respect to law enforcement and voting rights.” FINRA is racially biased shielding its members crimes from cops.
Freddie Gray died because cops knew where to find Freddie. Freddie was part of the system. Mug shots taken. Jailed. Felon. Forced to check the box. Recidivous. Again, fingerprinted, mug shot, etc. This was Eric Garner’s story. This was the story of the first 46 men and women whose sentences President Obama commuted 11/15, and the next 100 men and women commutants, too.
FINRA did not report Bernard Madoff to cops. Madoff turned himself in. FINRA said the business league had no idea of Madoff’s crimes. Madoff told the truth. FINRA did. FINRA first sanctioned Madoff recidivous in his crime of selling No Product in 1963, 1975, 2000, 2005, 2008. Those are the dates that of complaints that did not settle nor were expunged.
President Obama’s commutants were engaged in drug crimes. FINRA’s criminals forged client signatures, stole client identities, converted client funds to their own, stole checks, kept client accounts open after the client left the firm.
The FINRA writes their own set of Rules and Forms, created its own “Department Of Enforcement” voting to keep in the league members charged with money laundering and other frauds, global. The SEC states the Commission approves all the FINRA Rules and Forms the S.R.O. The Commission is Federal. The S.R.O. dues paying members are licensed on a state by state basis. Governor Hogan is fiduciary for Maryland
Criminal justice reform will take place when Governor Hogan shuts FINRA, 100% by the New NASD Holdings, down for being accessory to crimes. By taking no action against, FINRA, Hogan, on notice, again, is an accessory to FINRAs crimes…..shall we take a vote?